The first 40 days postpartum are known as the Sacred Window. Ayurveda says this potent 40 day window of time for the New Mother, and the new life sets up the next 40 years.

How we nourish the Mother supports her post-partum healing, the health and growth of baby, and the overall experience of wellbeing for the entirety of life that follows. As that seed is nurtured so shall it grow.

Post- partum

doula, treatment &nourishment programs

Most partpartum experiences, both healthy and challenging come down to how the Mother is nourished; with medicinal foods and treatments. The importance of this simply cannot be overlooked for an optimal postpartum experience.

We offer 3 or 7 day Post-Partum Ayurvedic meals for the new mother, including medicinal foods, tonics, and herbs. Each package is cooked fresh daily, using organic local produce and herbs, and designed specifically for the Mother and her unique needs, aligned to Ayurvedic nutrition.

To nourish the Mother and Baby well during this time, can set up for a lifetime of health, and a healthy relationship between Mum & Bub.

*Payment Plans & Gift Vouchers on request.


Nourishment Program

3 Day Nourish - Investment $420

7 Day Nourish- Investment $920

Programs include:

- initial prenatal consult

- herbal teas and decoctions for the duration of the program

- 3 fresh, organic planet based meals + snack + mylks

- post-partum communication and daily updates

- belly binding for each day of the program

Post-Partum Doula Program - Sydney & Byron

  • Includes 1 week post partum nourishment and herbs

  • Ongoing oncall support and post partum herbs for entire 42 day window.

  • Daily belly binding for first week + bekung wrap & instruction for family to continue the practice

  • 1 Post-Partum Abhyanga - more can be arranged on individual basis

  • Closing of the Bones Ceremony - done at any time Post-Partum.

Complete Program: $1200

Rituals & Treatments

Closing of the Bones Ceremony - $333

Post-Partum Abhyanga - $185

Post Partum Herbal Package:

Herbal Support and Nourishment is one of the pillars in a blissful postpartum period and the lifetime that follows after. The Post-Partum Herbal Package includes herbs for the duration of the 42 day window, as well as protocol for taking them.


  • Post Partum Balant Kada- an Ayurvedic preparation to heal, restore and repair the uterus.

  • Ghee Soaked Dates to replenish Ojad

  • Post-Partum Digestive Support

  • Mother’s Milk Nursing Tea

  • Dashamoola Decotions to ground and nourish

  • Magnolia Essence - energetic support for birth

$175 for 42 days worth of Post-partum herbs and protocol.

*To purchase individual herbs please contact direct or visit the Shop.